Thursday, December 10, 2009

JDRF Walk 2010

Please join our walk for diabetes next year. Start organizing your teams now. The date is 10-10-10 at 10:00 am. We are starting to organize committees and if there is one that you might like to participate in or chair, please let us know. Your help is so appreciated and needed. We are looking for a food chair who might be able to rally a few restaurants to set up stations at the end of the walk with small food items. Could be a good way for folks to advertise their shops as well as doing something great for the community. We do have several companies already interested in helping like SWH water and AB Naturals.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,to the Walk Committee,

    Do we have COA on our list of contacts? Seems as though they might like to be involved with the Walk...If no one has contacted COA, who would be the best comm. person to make the call? Think that connecting w/ them before everyone leaves for the summer would be advantageous.

    Does the comm. have supportive material from JDRF for making these contacts, i.e. pamphlets that explain diabetes/type 1; that rsearch is a huge hope for finding a cure; JDRF as a fundraisnig arm; the importance of The Walk...? I think that enlisting JDRF's help was brought up at the last mtg.

    And the "Save the Date" cards as part of the initial contact as well as reminders~~

    Walking toward the cure, Aunt Shoe
